Sunday, January 25, 2009

Across the street

This is down the street from ,from where i used to live.

World of Warcraft sreen shot .

This is a screen shot of a game i play.
This is when i first started playing in 2005.I was in a place called badlands haha.

im hungry

chico, my friends dog.

Friday, January 16, 2009

one day of pics

These are pictures i took one day,while i was at work,and when i got off.The top left is in my back yard of geese heading south.
Center is of a place called,Duke Power, witch is a dam in ,North Carolina,and below it is the Catawba river.To the bottom left is a banana spider that was also in my back yard against the house.I made her my pet (for a short time until she ran away lol), feeding it grass hoppers and such. well that's it for now.

My cat ,Meow Meow,sitting on the couch.

This is one of my cats. Meow Meow! I'm just posting Him to get things started,so if any one has any info regarding cats,feel free to add it if you can,if not contact me and i'll try to post it for you.Thank You!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Dog Coco

This was my dog before, She died and went to Puppy Heaven.I had this dog for 4 years, then she ran out into the road and got hit by a car. :(