Friday, January 16, 2009

one day of pics

These are pictures i took one day,while i was at work,and when i got off.The top left is in my back yard of geese heading south.
Center is of a place called,Duke Power, witch is a dam in ,North Carolina,and below it is the Catawba river.To the bottom left is a banana spider that was also in my back yard against the house.I made her my pet (for a short time until she ran away lol), feeding it grass hoppers and such. well that's it for now.


  1. Hi there,
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I greatly appreciate it. Thanks again and keep up the great work on your blog. Rick

  2. hey,
    I haven't even been on here in a while, and i just noticed that you left a comment thanks.If you have any ideas on how i could improve my blog i would be grateful and try to put them to use.By the way your welcome.
