Thursday, June 17, 2010

Completely lost

Today i thought i was getting paid and thought it was Friday when in fact it was Thursday.Why does this happen? I have no idea, but i do have guesses on the matter and opinions. My first opinion is that we get so busy and get no sleep during the week and we are just looking forward so much for the weekend that we actually make ourselves think its a different day than it really is.Like my case , i have unpaid bills and i owe some people some money and i had planned to pay them back and was really happy i was gonna be able to do that, only to discover it was not payday, just the day before.I had myself so convinced it was Friday that i was getting into a argument with my boss, saying he was the one that was wrong,until he told me to look at the calender and then....i felt like a total fool and said sorry to him a thousand times.I kept wondering why he really wasn't that mad at me, when i was kinda rude to him for no good reason, and then he said, "I thought the same thing when i came into work this morning". He thought it was Friday to.............
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1 comment:

  1. or maybe if u play onlines games like evony u get sucked into it and it holds u against ur will allowing no sleep so ur days start running into one another lol we dont have multiple days we have 1 big one for our whole life lol
