Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday Madness

To whom it may concern.Happy Black Friday to all of those who go out to Walmart and GameStop and Best Buy to stand in line and buy all that stuff made in China. I just wonder how many people actually go out on Black Friday and try to buy stuff that's made in the U.S.A? I think Black Friday is a joke in the first place. A true sale would be that every store participating in the annual event would place ALL of there items on sale rather than what they put out in the center floor for every one to grab and go. I went to Wal-mart last night and was going to try and get a new gaming mouse "just because its BLACK FRIDAY", and come to find out that the dam thing was not on the list. That place was so fricken crowded that i could not even hardly move to the isle i wanted to go to because i seen people with carts full of diapers??? wtf has happened to the world.?!?!?!?! including me...because it seems i have maybe slipped into the depths a little myself,because yes,i went to the Wal-Mart. Want to know what i wanted to buy to the Wally World? Sure thing, it was a World of Warcraft gaming mouse ,"Legendary Editon" and want to know how it works? It totally sucks hard core.I would not recommend this mouse even to my worst enemies.Thats all im going to say about that. when the crowd clears and coast is clear im heading on over to get  A REFUND! Maybe i might just buy the Razor Naga Mouse.Any ways have a good day.Peace out.

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