Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ok , so there is a new Halo game coming out on Tuesday the 6th of November 2012 and or Monday night at midnight. Its Halo 4. I have decided to go on a trip to GameStop in Mooresville N.C. with a friend at that time to Stand in line with him as i did when the game called Skyrim released.This was on 11.11.11 and it was Freezing outside as we stood in line preparing to plow through the doors and purchase the new Game.I dont think it will be this cold this time around but i do think it will be more crowded than before because this is and has been a game that has sold good and has had great reviews , except  maybe Halo 3 in some peoples opinions. With all that said i will end this with best regards and luck with whoever purchases this game and hope to see you  in game! OH I forgot to mention that this title is only avalible for the GREAT Xbox 360... 

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